Charged particles can be accelerated to a high velocity by applying an electric field in the direction of the velocity. Using energy equations, we can simplify by using potential difference V to find the velocity. This voltage will be called accelerating voltage V. Assuming the initial velocity to be nearly zero, the final v can be calculated from 1/2 mv2 = qV . For an electron the v would be ( 2eV/m)
If you look at the tube above, the orange heated element emits electrons that are accelerated forward by the blue anode (+) in two stages at different accelerating voltages. The fast beam of electron now pass through the 2 sets of yellow parallel plates , one set that moves the beam along the x- direction and the other set moves the beam along the y-direction. The pink cathode(-) controls the brightness by limiting the electrons from the heated element. The shape of the blue anode focus the beam on the screen. The yellow plates moves the beam along the x-y direction thus drawing the image at a very fast speed undetected by our eye.
If you look at the tube above, the orange heated element emits electrons that are accelerated forward by the blue anode (+) in two stages at different accelerating voltages. The fast beam of electron now pass through the 2 sets of yellow parallel plates , one set that moves the beam along the x- direction and the other set moves the beam along the y-direction. The pink cathode(-) controls the brightness by limiting the electrons from the heated element. The shape of the blue anode focus the beam on the screen. The yellow plates moves the beam along the x-y direction thus drawing the image at a very fast speed undetected by our eye.