Thursday, April 15, 2010


Stimulated emission SM, population inversion PI and light amplificationLA.
Three things I must do to start off lasers.
Act 1:
Five persons needed
All five has a whistle.
Stack up bench to step up to simulate excited state.
Get the 4 person to step up and wait for others at step up location (excited level) .
When all are up. One non participator , holding a whistle signal to blow. All 4 on top level blow in unison and jump down. Make sure the whistle go off together.
This would emphasis the fact that lasers are inphase. The intensity is high as the wave is in phase. The freq is also the same as they are from the same two level. The population inversion is observed as it is crucial to have higher intensity. The resting time at the metastable state is crucial to ensure PI.
I would need to have signs like SM, PI and M to be shown at appropriate time to reinforce new terms.