For all types of collisions(where no external forces act) you can apply conservation of momentum.
Elastic and inelastic collisions included.
Apply conservation of kinetic energy only for perfectly elastic collision. Other types like inelastic means kinetic energy not conserved which normally means heat is produced as total k.e is less (k.e lost)
Therefore you can only apply relative speed of approach is equal to relative speed of separation when the collision is perfectly elastic . After all it is derived from COM an Cok.e.
What is head on? If the centre of approaching mass hit the centre of the other mass than motion will be straight line (linear or 1D)
Caution:What is elastic? The word perfectly is not used but it may be assumed to mean perfectly elastic in some TYS questions. As the syllabus is very much reduced only two types are asked elastic(actually perfectly) and inelastic only.
Elastic and inelastic collisions included.
Apply conservation of kinetic energy only for perfectly elastic collision. Other types like inelastic means kinetic energy not conserved which normally means heat is produced as total k.e is less (k.e lost)
Therefore you can only apply relative speed of approach is equal to relative speed of separation when the collision is perfectly elastic . After all it is derived from COM an Cok.e.
What is head on? If the centre of approaching mass hit the centre of the other mass than motion will be straight line (linear or 1D)
Caution:What is elastic? The word perfectly is not used but it may be assumed to mean perfectly elastic in some TYS questions. As the syllabus is very much reduced only two types are asked elastic(actually perfectly) and inelastic only.