Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thermal 3 Worksheet

1 n=0.0116 mol, p = 2.63 x 10*6Pa
2. KE =3/2 kT , if temperature is the same than KE is equal. Imagine if two person have the same ke but one is twice as large as the other , you would surely expect their speed to be slower .
3. change in internal energy = 750 J
4. a) Internal energy U = N( ke+pe) , sum of ke and pe of molecules.
b) If ideal gas , U = N(ke only)
c) Pe = 0 as there is no intermolecular forces
d) U doubles as T doubles for ideal gas only. Mistake found in Question (real gas should be replaced with ideal gas if the answer were to be true.
5a) 1.3x10*4 m*3
b) 3.2 x 10*29
c) U1/U2 = T1/T2, U2 = 1500 MJ