Thursday, August 27, 2009

Worksheet(Circular motion)

Q1. Diagram must be included to ensure correct inequality sign to be deduced.
Q2. Diagram must be included to ensure correct inequality sign to be deduced (different from Q1)
Conservation of KE+PE must be used to find the speed at the bottom. The KE at the top must satisfy in speed calculated.
Q3. Resolving method or vector triangle method will give and expression a = gtan@. You need to convert tan@ to terms involving L and W . Use Phythagoras theorem to express tan @ in terms of L and W.
Q4. The diagram of the cyclist is not clearly drawn with the angle to be calculated shown . This will ensure the angle is 36 degrees and not 54 degrees. The final expression tan @ = v2/rg can only be used after proofing.